

»Declining, Ageing and Regional Trans­formation«

„Study on the collection, assessment and development of standards and indicators on demographic change for the EU project DART (Declining, Aging and Regional Transformation)“.

Development of a system of demographically and economically relevant social indicators and standards as well as their implementation in problematic regions of European countries, including a corresponding policy advice - scientific management of the study until 2012, cooperation with the 13 participating EU regions on behalf of the State Chancellery of the State of Brandenburg and the Saxon State Chancellery - as part of the INTERREG IVC project.

Map of the EU regions involved in the DART-project - (*.jpg - 30,4 KB)

Map of EU regions involved in the DART-project
- (*.webp - 17,0 KB)

Population decline, aging and regional transformation, in short demographic change, are a challenge for many European regions. Therefore, 13 regions have joined together in the DART (Declining, Aging and Regional Transformation) project for an EU-wide exchange of experiences in order to cooperate in the identification and transfer of exemplary solutions for shaping change and its consequences.

(PDF contributions are in German language)

Edition IFAD 131
Indicators and standards of demographic change in Europe

PDF:  Part 1: Indicators

In the first part of this three-part documentation, the model regions were examined for the common characteristics that are suitable as indicators for the measurability of the population decline and other symptoms of demographic change. These are indicator complexes that have been developed for the provision of data from the individual study regions and made available to them. They enable a comparison between the data collected or to be collected in the study areas.

In the analysis, concrete procedures were developed that can be used as the basis for generally transferable adaptation strategies and action plans.

Edition IFAD 132
Indicators and standards of demographic change in Europe

PDF:  Part 2: Standards

The second part of the three-part documentation localizes examples of „good practice“ (standards) in the study regions. Particular attention was paid to the factors that strengthen the economy and thus result in a sustainable improvement of the social infrastructure. One of the objectives was to transfer these best practices across Europe to the areas affected by the effects of demographic change. The results of this project provide recommendations for action on the problems of demographic change for European, national and regional political decision-makers.

Edition IFAD 133
Indicators and standards of demographic change in Europe

PDF:  Part 3: Anhang

The third part of the three-part study contains the appendices to part 1 and part 2:

  • Original data tables (to be completed by each sub-region);
  • Brief graphic representations of the subregions;
  • IFAD DART monitors of the subregions;
  • Online survey questionnaire on standards;
  • Overview of national and European model and research projects on standards of public services and demographic change

Interim reports

PDF:  Statistical week 2011

DART-Conference Dresden 2011
(Language: english)

PDF:  Graphik

PDF:  Tabellen

PDF:  Presentation of the project in the IFAD Monday Round 2011

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